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Bullying No Way! National Tour

Hi this is Jaylen. Welcome to my blog of my cross country trip from Tampa, FL to Los Angeles, California!
Well guys..I'm off! I'm SOOOO excited!!! I cant believe I'm ACTUALLY LEAVING Florida AND going ALL THE WAY TO CALIFORNIA!!!!!
AHHH this is going to be the best two weeks ever! I'm starting off in Florida, then going all the way to Las Angeles California, while stopping at Mobile, Alabama,
Gulfport, Mississippi; Dallas, Texas, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Pheonix, Arizona, and Las Vegas on the way!!! Although I'm excited to finally see more of America, but I'm
more excited to go to the schools that have been asking us to come give presentations to them. It will be GREAT for the kids and teachers to hear what I have to say about
bullying and the horrible effects it has on people.
Of Course, thats the main reason we are having this tour, so that I can go beyond the borders of Florida to give out my message to help kids
and maybe even save lifes. I have encountered a lot of kids who were thinking and talking about committing suicide. Thats what I cant stand! Why do kids and people
say things to each other so cruel that it makes someone want to end their own life!? I'm trying to stop that to the best of my ability, but I cant do it alone. I need you
guys - and ALL of you to help me banish bullying! I know we can do it if we just stick together and watch out for each other to make sure NO ONE is being bullied.
Life is WAY too precious for someone to want to end it or feel like their worthless because of what someone else says or thinks about them.
So thank you for reading, keep me and all the kids getting bullied constantly in your prayers and follow this journey with us!
-Jaylen Arnold